Dental Cleanings and Exams in Edmonton

Dental Cleanings and Exams Near You

Dental cleanings and exams are essential components of maintaining good oral health. They typically involve a thorough assessment of your oral cavity, cleaning your teeth, and a plan of preventive measures to ensure your teeth and gums are in optimal condition.

Dental Cleanings and Exams in Edmonton

What Are Dental Cleanings and Exams?

  • Dental cleanings encompass the elimination of plaque, tartar, and discoloration on the surface of teeth. The cleaning usually uses special instruments to scrape away plaque and tartar, followed by polishing to remove surface stains.
  • A dental exam is a thorough assessment of your oral well-being. It includes checking for signs of tooth decay, periodontal issues (gingivitis, gum disease), oral cancer, and other potential dental issues. X-rays may be taken during the exam to provide a more detailed view of your teeth and jaw.
  • Implant-supported dentures connect to dental implants that are carefully placed in the jawbone through a surgical procedure. They provide excellent stability and eliminate the need for adhesives.

Issues Receiving Dental Cleanings and Exams in Edmonton Help With

  • Preventing Cavities – Regular cleanings help remove plaque. If not addressed, plaque buildup can result in tooth decay and cavities.
  • Gum Disease Prevention – Cleanings and exams aid in preventing and detecting gum diseases like gingivitis and periodontitis.
  • Oral Cancer Detection – Regular exams can aid in spotting early signs of oral cancer when it’s most treatable.
  • Early Problem Identification – Exams allow the dentist to identify issues like bite problems, misalignment, or jaw disorders early, allowing for appropriate treatment.
  • Promoting Overall Health – Oral health is linked to overall health, so regular cleanings and exams can help maintain overall well-being.

Benefits of Receiving Dental Cleanings and Exams Near You

  • Preventive Care – Receiving a dental cleaning and exam in Edmonton is fundamental to maintaining good oral health and preventing major dental issues.
  • Early Detection of Problems – Early identification of dental problems can lead to simpler and less expensive treatments.
  • Improved Oral Hygiene – Cleanings improve your oral hygiene by removing plaque and tartar that you may miss with regular brushing and flossing.
  • Fresh Breath – Regular cleanings can help eliminate bad breath by removing plaque and bacteria.

Process of Receiving a Dental Cleaning and Exam

  1. Contact us today to schedule an appointment for a dental cleaning and exam.
  2. Arrive here at Unity Square Dental in Edmonton at the scheduled time and complete any necessary paperwork. X-rays may be taken to provide a detailed view of your teeth and jaw.
  3. The dental hygienist will perform the cleaning, which involves scraping off plaque and tartar and polishing to remove surface stains.
  4. Dr. Sharif will conduct a comprehensive inspection of your mouth, which includes your teeth, gums, and other parts of your oral area. She will also discuss their findings and recommend any necessary treatments or improvements to your oral care routine.
  5. Any follow-up appointments or treatments will be scheduled afterwards, as recommended by Dr. Sharif.

Are You Looking to Receive a Dental Cleaning and Exam Near You?

Reach out to our friendly staff, and we’ll help you schedule a time for a dental cleaning and exam in Edmonton that fits your schedule. Looking after your oral well-being is highly important for overall well-being. We look forward to helping you achieve a healthy and beautiful smile!